Monday, 1 June 2009

Who needs crafting time when you've got this

Whilst driving to kindy this afternoon, my little poppet was saying "Happy" over and over again.

Wondering if she was feeling happy because she was going to kindy, I asked, "What's making you happy?"

She replied, "Being with you.".



annie said...

You're one lucky mummy, enjoy

Lauren said...

How lovely is that?

Unknown said...

Fabulous Photo...So Cute your Little One..

Renee said...

awww - that's gorgeous!

Marie said...

Wow Gilly that is so charming! Your one lucky and yummy Mummy ... I have posted my latest quilt on my blog..yeah I am blogging can you believe it!
Take care..

our shabby cottage said...

Oh Man, that is making me all teary...

Sarah said...

aw aw awwwww -mealt your heart stuff.

Hey go ahead and do the pattern - just never know where it will take you....

Chasing Snails said...

awww, Gillian... what can I say? It simply melts your heart.

Beth said...

oh, how very sweet. that is an adorable picture too.