Wednesday 22 April 2009

Gift Vouchers Now Available

Have you ever had a moment when it's the day before (or even the actual day) when you realise you need a gift for someone and you have completely forgotten to get it?

Have you wanted to buy a present for a child who lives interstate and you don't know what size the child is at the moment?

Silly Gilly now has the solution! Introducing Silly Gilly Gift Vouchers!!

The gift vouchers are available in the following amounts: $15, $20, $30, $40 and $50. You can have the voucher posted for free, regular postage style or I can email the voucher to the recipient!! You can also choose to have the voucher personalized with your own message.

If you would like to purchase one of these great gift ideas, simply go here and get started!


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful idea Gillian!!!!

Anonymous said...

What a great idea!

CurlyPops said...

That is such a cool idea! I'm always a little unsure when giving gifts because parents don't often have the same style and taste as me.