The Silly Gilly emporium has been busy this week. I thought I might do a post combining all the activity into one.
New stock has now been uploaded to the
Silly Gilly store. I've popped a few photos of the new items below.
I'm also a sponsor for the
Great Down Under Nappy Hunt for the third year in a row. Being a sponsor means I donate a prize for the hunt and I have created a little mini-hunt on my Silly Gilly site. Anyone can go through the sponsor websites doing lots of mini-hunts and searching for clues to find the Nappy Hunt icon. Once you find enough icons you are in the running for lots of delicious prizes, including toys, cloth nappies, kids sunglasses, nappy covers, kids trikes... all sorts of wonderful things for children and parents. Have a look at how you can be in the running for all the prizes
here. And here is a pic of the item I have donated for the Hunt - a Steiner inspired baby toy.
The auctions I am organising with all the
fantastic donations with 100% of the profit going to the Red Cross Victorian Bushfire Appeal is coming up this Friday 7th March. I will be posting all the links and photos here on the blog. If you are thinking of donating an item to auction, there is still time!! Contact me and I can fill you in on the details.
The market yesterday was quiet but the morning out in the beautiful sunshine made it all worth while. It also led to a couple of leads about other markets so that is a bonus!
Have a lovely Sunday everyone and keep saving your pennies to bid on all the gorgeous things that will be available Friday!!