Thursday 18 September 2008

Quiet corner

This photo was taken a little while ago and for some unbeknown reason, it really makes me a bit teary and misty eyed.
It's a little reading spot in my daughter's room. Ah, shucks....


Amy said...

this is a beautiful photo! so peaceful.

Betty Jo said...

Love the chair...and the LGB's!

Anonymous said...

Its the missing child, thats what getting you, its eerrie. it got me too.

Anonymous said...

Oh, how very sweet! The chair is tiny and it looks so peaceful and thoughtfully placed right next to the books!

I am so exictied to know that i am going to be receiving the prize from your give away in the mail soon! Thank you!!!
~Emily in Norway

Annie said...

Does this mean your baby is all grown up? I loved your tute on labels. You are a clever puss.

Michelle said...

What a lovely sunny spot to sit and read.


Karen said...

Touched me....made me smile.