Hello stranger! I'm the stranger, that is... I've been busy in the Silly Gilly household and it hasn't been sewing Silly Gilly wares. I've been busy photographing, sorting and uploading my quite hefty collection of vintage sewing patterns to a new Ebay Store, Silly Gilly's Vintage Wares. I have only just scratched the surface of my collection and I've already listed over 50 patterns!! And these are the ones that I don't want to keep. I still have my collection of patterns that I have intentions of using!
I have listed children's patterns, women's patterns, vintage craft books, vintage cook books, vintage sewing supplies... the list keeps getting longer. Suffice to say, it's a massive job and I'm working hard to get all the items listed before the end of next week. It's poppet's 4th birthday party next weekend and I've turned into quite the Alpha-Mummy organising the party. Methinks I may have gone a little overboard... but hey, we only have one child and she's only 4 once!! We have a fairy theme planned and I'm torn between two styles of cakes. Oh, the dilemmas!! Here's a little pic of the flowers I've been making as decorations.

All this clearing out is the beginning of my 'Amp Up Silly Gilly' year. Poppet is off to kindy this year so I aim to use my free time building up Silly Gilly to a bigger thing than it is now. I've been a little absent from this blog in the last couple of weeks as I'm spending a lot of time thinking and planning and sorting out my creative space both here in the Studio and in my head.
I also have some more pattern ideas brewing around in up in the cranial creative space. A couple of smashing ideas came to me at 4.30 am this morning! So up I jumped and scribbled them all down. Strike whilst the iron is hot I say!
So you will be hearing more from the Silly Gilly camp now that I'm into the swing of clearing the space here. Drop by the Silly Gilly Vintage Wares store.. you never know what you'll find!
All this clearing out is the beginning of my 'Amp Up Silly Gilly' year. Poppet is off to kindy this year so I aim to use my free time building up Silly Gilly to a bigger thing than it is now. I've been a little absent from this blog in the last couple of weeks as I'm spending a lot of time thinking and planning and sorting out my creative space both here in the Studio and in my head.
I also have some more pattern ideas brewing around in up in the cranial creative space. A couple of smashing ideas came to me at 4.30 am this morning! So up I jumped and scribbled them all down. Strike whilst the iron is hot I say!
So you will be hearing more from the Silly Gilly camp now that I'm into the swing of clearing the space here. Drop by the Silly Gilly Vintage Wares store.. you never know what you'll find!
i must say i have missed your posts :)
will b watching your ebay store with my eagle and eager eyes ;)
Oooh - I'll be keeping an eye on those....
My poppit is off to kinder too - I'm finding it hard to comprehend the notion all that work time without "help".... but I must say I'm a tad excited by it.
looks like a huge job!
i have a whole suitcase (vintage of course) of sewing patterns given to me by my mother in law. i've taken the most beautiful out - not that i intend to sew them, i just like to look at them :)
goodluck with the party. my sixteen year old is organising her own 'mad hatter's tea party' and i am left to work out what to do about my son's 6th birthday party - all within 5 days of each other.
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