And surely that means a 100th post giveaway.
Any suggestions loyal readers? Now there's a question, seeing which of you know what I do and what I might be able to whip up to give away. I'm thinking big here gals, I'm thinking perhaps even making something. Or donating a garage sale purchase...... Nothing like a big build up.. LOL.
I also have a nerdy question - does anyone out there in blogland own a Canon multifunction Pixma MP540? I'm thinking of purchasing one and would like to hear of any good or constructive feedback. Thanks in advance.
And to finish off a completely info based post, here is a photo of a dog. My dog. Ella Bella Smella Puppy Power. Bless her little white fluffy paws. She's about as cute as this little furball.
She is so cute!!!Your looking good for a gal who is nearly 100.
Do you think you could find another garage sale gocco before you hit 100?
I have a MP800 and absolutely love it, I would be lost without it.
Just remember to check the ink - get one that uses black as a standalone ink as opposed to one that makes it up out of cyan, magenta and yellow otherwise you will chew through your ink so very, very fast and check the price of refill cartridges... some are hella expensive!
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